Connect Sverige · Event · Kompetenspanel med Braviz
Kompetenspanel med Braviz
Braviz is an early-stage AI-powered data platform startup revolutionizing how manufacturing and engineering industries handle their complex data.

Welcome to the competence panel for Braviz
It is time for the competence panel for Braviz, which is going through the Springboard Focus Investment and aims to raise capital. If you feel that you can contribute based on your knowledge, experience and/or background, and you can participate at the appointed time, we will be very happy to receive your application of interest.
About Braviz
Braviz is an early-stage AI-powered data platform startup revolutionizing how manufacturing and engineering industries handle their complex data. They’re developing a unified platform that make complex industrial data analysis faster, simpler, and more efficient. Their goal is to enable real outcomes of data-driven decision making to improve operational efficiency and consequently business efficiency. They are a Chalmers Ventures Portfolio company and part of CampX Incubator by Volvo Group, currently developing our MVP in collaboration with major Swedish manufacturing companies.
We are looking for people that have experience/knowledge in any of the topics below:
Investing in early stage startups
Technical experience in scaling a software product e.g. experience as a CTO
Legal, compliance and data security aspects
Sales towards industry
Last date to register your interest: 7th of January
This panel will be held in english. Welcome to register your interest!
What is a competence panel?
The competence panel is a strategic workshop that has two main purposes:
- To assist the entrepreneur with relevant feedback, tips, advice, and ideas ahead of the upcoming funding round and meetings with investors.
- To create networking opportunities that can be valuable for the entrepreneur in the further development of their business.
During the competence panel, the entrepreneur will present their company to you and the other participants in an 8-minute pitch. The moderator then leads the discussion to highlight the feedback on the business and investment opportunity .
We know that your experience is important for helping the entrepreneur advance the development of their business!
16 jan
09:00 - 11:00
Digitalt i Zoom
Digitalt i Zoom