Connect Sverige · Event · Pitch event Vocalise
Pitch event Vocalise
Vocalise fills this gap by providing an accessible, affordable platform with expert-led, AI-empowered vocal training. It addresses the needs of singers by offering continuous, science-backed development for voice, body, and mind.

Welcome to listen in on Vocalise’s pitch for investment!
Vocalise, is a groundbreaking app designed to transform vocal training through a science-based, data-driven approach. Leveraging ML/AI, Vocalise offers holistic training encompassing voice, body, and mind.
Du kan läsa mer på deras one pager: One pager Vocalise
The event is digital on Zoom and link will be sent out to those who sign up to attend.
Questions: Contact Ludwig Stendahl | Cell +46 70 302 27 30 |