Connect Sverige · Event · Pitch event Winteria
Pitch event Winteria
Strong commercial traction with blue-chip customers. Attractive unit economics, low churn in embedded software, extreme stickiness. One of the worlds largest on weld geometry and quality. Vast AI potential.

Welcome to listen in on Winteria’s pitch for investment!
Winteria is all about digital automated inspection – Removing the human factor from production. Poor weld quality inspection is a major industry pain. Winteria solves this by adding smart, qualitative analysis to off-the-shelf hardware, enabling fully automated inspection of welded goods.
Du kan läsa mer på deras one pager: One pager Winteria
The event is digital on Zoom and link will be sent out to those who sign up to attend.
Questions: Contact Ludwig Stendahl | Cell +46 70 302 27 30 |