Connect Sverige · Språngbrädan med IRP
With Investment Readiness Process by Beels®
Språngbrädan is one of Sweden’s most trusted programs for helping startups prepare to meet with investors in Connect’s network and elsewhere.

Who are we looking for?
We help startups in all industries. But in order to qualify for Språngbrädan you should meet the following criteria:
- Registered AB
- Min 2 founders
- Proof of concept
- Traction (preferably paying customers)
- A strong team
- High growth potential
- A scalable business model

Investment Readiness
Investment Readiness Process by Beels® is a well tested method aimed at preparing the founders for the capital raising process and have a well-considered investment offer for the investors.
Advisory Panel
An exclusive workshop where you will get professional advice and tips on business strategy and raising capital from a hand picked panel of experienced experts, entrepreneurs and investors just for your startup.
Investor Materials
We will guide you in a creating effective and successful pitch deck and make sure you understand the investment process and can answer the most important questions that you will receive
Connect has a network of 20 000 entrepreneurs, investors and experts. Through Språngbrädan you will get opportunities to pitch to investors and build your professional network.
Next application deadline 15 May
Please note that we will review and qualify applicants continuously so please submit your application as soon as possible.
Program start is 31 May

Det blev 4,5 miljoner!
Ursprungligen sökte vi 3,5 men eftersom vi fick ett jättefint gensvar fick vi även lyckan att välja och ta in mer när vi hade chansen.
Emelie Strömshed
Anatomic Studios

Nu lyfter vi!
Tack vare investeringen på 5 miljoner som kom in via Connect har vi kommit igång. Nu är det spikrak accelerationskurva rakt uppåt och nu lyfter vi!
Micael Törnblom